Pengertian Dan Fungsi To Infinitive Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya

Pengertian Dan Fungsi To Infinitive Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya

Pengertian Dan Fungsi To Infinitive Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya - Infinitive dalam struktur tata bahasa inggris  adalah bentuk kata kerja dasar  atau verb 1  yang belum terikat dengan pokok kalimat. Dari bentuk Infinitive ini dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu :

To infinitive

To invinitive adalah kata kerja yang selalu diikuti dengan kata to dalam penggunaannya. To infinitive ini memiliki fungsi sebagai berikut :

a. To invinitive Sebagai Subjek Kalimat.


1. To study at night was very hard without lightning

2. To read every single word is very simple

3. To avoid degerous is very hard for me

4. To get much money is very hard for me

5. To stay here was very expensive for his pursue

Berikut adalah kat kerja yang selalu diikuti oleh to.

Hope,promise, appear, seem, ask, plan, agree, expect, offer, refuse, need, want.

b. To invinitive Sebagai Objek Kalimat.

1. His job is to search new animal in the world

2. His duty is to make a cup of coffee

3. Our problem is to solve their house problem

4. My passion is to get much money in my office

5. Your sister problem is to make her boy love her again

c. To invinitive igunakan setelah adjective 

1. The bike is not bad for him to ride

2. The best for me to tell her about my love is tomorrow

3. Her thinking is good to make this condition better

4. Saree is very cute to protect his skin 

5. Andra is very handsome for her to be her boyfriend

Bare infinitive

Bare infinitive adalah kat kerja bentuk pertama dan merupakan bagian dari infinitive tetapi tidak menggunakan to. Adapun fungsi dari Bare Infinitive adalah:

1. Digunakan setelah modal auxiliary.

Contoh : 

  1. I can do all for you
  2. She will read the text
  3. They must go to the library

2. Digunakan setelah kata kerja tertentu seperti:

See, hear, make, feel, watch, know, observe, catch, bid,keep,dan need

Contoh :

  1. They need to be help
  2. We watch the condition after accident.
  3. He feels better after two days in the hospital

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